Pink Calcite Tranquil Palms

$15.99 $30

The Pink Calcite Tranquil Palm is SO LUSCIOUS and calming. It's like you are holding the most precious energy and stone and you never want to put it down... Mangano Calcite is a crystal that promotes deep healing, forgiveness, calm, and release of anxiety. I use this during difficult times for extra strength, and I also use it for daily meditations.

Yet, the most significant shift I've felt whilst using the Pink Calcite Tranquil Palm is complete calm...

...a knowing that all will be guided by God

...that as I think, so I become

...that I am not alone in this universe, that my angels and guides are ready to lead me to my truth.

The Tranquility Pink Calcite is the perfect crystal to release fear and trauma so that you can enter into true self-acceptance, self-worth, and love of all beings.

It is also used for deep forgiveness work of self and others.  It will release old and trapped heavy emotions in your heart and energy field. You will then feel revitalized and abundant!

Size, shape, and color vary with each Pink Calcite Tranquil Palm

Each is generous in size...approx 3 inches long and 1.5-2 inches wide and weighs in at approx 3 ounces. Size, color, shape, and weight vary with each hand-cut stone.