Sparked by fate, run by energy experts...

The Blessed Crystal Co. was the flash of genius of a great human who is no longer on the planet. As a tribute to this wonderful soul, a pair of his dear friends and students decided to pick up the business and carry it into the future.

They have a message for you... (and will be sharing more about energy work, meditation, and healing very soon)...

It seems like ages ago (but was really just a few years) when we got together for a spiritual retreat. Call it a spark of intuition, divine guidance, or a cosmic flash—we all 3 seemed to know at once that we wanted humans to understand their limitless potential.

You hold the power and we are here to remind you of it.

You are created by the same force as mother earth, and every stone, rock, crystal and tool we share with you is blessed for you to realize your this and run with it.

The Blessed Crystal Co is a small nucleus of spiritual humans who love crystals, rocks, and incense, plus our great Mother Earth and the cosmos above.

Hold one of our Blessed Crystals and you've got the whole Universe in your hand.