Clear Quartz Magic Diamond


This Clear Quartz Diamond presents a dazzling display of intricate facets, magnifying its power. Clear Quartz is the mother of all crystals with 3 elemental properties: 

  • cleansing
  • amplification
  • programmability

This small treasure will  enhance your intentions, raise your frequencies, and bring magic to any experience or energy healing.


Size and specifics:

Each clear quartz magic diamond is hand-crafted from Brazilian quartz and measures approx. 1.5 inches at base and 1 inch tall. Just under 2 ounces, each diamond has a potent power that you'll immediately feel when you hold it.


How to use:

  • Place next to your other crystals to boost their potency and power
  • Place on your meditation or prayer altar for energetic cleansing and healing
  • Use to amplify frequencies of love, abundance, success, and healing
  • Hold in your palm during meditation
  • Lie down and place on your solar plexus chakra for a deep cleanse.

Diamond may be placed on base or on its side for even stronger reflection.


How to clean:

Wipe with a soft cloth and set out during new moon to cleanse any negative energy absorbed. Full moon will amplify your diamond's potency.


Note from our energy expert:

These top grade diamonds exude so much energy you'll want to place your favorite crystals next to them. Use for your own energy cleansing and abundance.